BBEdit 10.0.1 Release Notes

BBEdit 10.0.1 is a focused maintenance update which includes fixes for reported issues.

For details on all the new features and enhancements offered in BBEdit 10.0, please see its release notes.

For detailed information on using any of BBEdit's features, please refer to the user manual (choose "User Manual" from BBEdit's Help menu).


BBEdit 10 requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later (10.6.8 or later recommended).

PowerPC-based Macs are not supported.


  • This release consists entirely of fixes for reported issues, and contains no new features, nor changes to existing features.


  • Fixed a crash which would occur when performing certain editing operations in a rectangular selection (typically an Undo) while the Text Statistics status bar item was visible.

  • Fixed crash which would occur when closing a shell worksheet window.

  • Fixed crash which would occur when trying to drag a palette while a system floating window (fonts, colors, spelling, etc) was also open.

  • Fixed crash which would occur if something unexpected went wrong very early in the application startup process.

  • Fixed bug in which the #GENERATOR# placeholder would report your BBEdit version as 16.0.

  • Fixed bug in which language modules and color schemes were not correctly loaded after the Application Support/BBEdit had been moved to Dropbox.

  • Fixed crash which would occur when launching and a codeless language module had an error in it (typically an invalid matching pattern).

  • Fixed bug in which "Open Selection" would punt with a -120 (directory not found) error when used in an HTML document.

  • Fixed crash which would occur when invoking a Find Differences from the command line or scripting interface in some situations.

  • Changed the default for EnableShiftDeleteAsForwardDelete to YES, so that it agrees with reality as expressed in the user manual.

  • Fixed bug in which the Emacs ^R and ^S keystrokes didn't invoke Live Search as they should have.

  • Fixed bug in which certain combinations of legacy preference settings would prevent drag-and-drop of an image file into an HTML document from generating markup.

  • When dropping an image file into an HTML document, the following expert prefs can be used to adjust behavior:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit HTMLImageMarkupUsesFileNameForAlt -bool YES # by default, generate an "ALT" attribute with the file's name as the value

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit HTMLImageMarkupCreatesSizeAttributes -bool YES # by default, generate width and height attributes for the image

  • Removed references to the old Find dialog and other anachronisms from the Expert Preferences help.

  • Applied a bandaid to stop double-drawing while autoscrolling during a drag operation

  • Fixed crash which would occur when saving document state in some situations.

  • The old preference controlling whether Previous/Next Document operated in display order or history order was not migrated. It is now, and the new preference is:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit SurfNextPreviousInDisplayOrder -bool YES

  • Restored support for the Word Services property, pBackgroundHilite (pBgH)

  • There is a new expert pref: AlwaysShowFileList

    If "Open documents into the front window when possible" is turned on, and this expert setting is set to YES, all text windows will open with the file list showing (this replicates the old drawer setting of "always").

  • Corrected a problem where attempting to disable a hierarchical menu head node would cause all the separators to be crushed out of the menus.

  • Corrected a problem where the head of a hierarchical menu could not be disabled/removed.

  • Fixed bug in which hiding the editor pane in a project window failed to make the window narrower, as it should have.

  • Fixed crash which would occur when saving certain document state changes, or when saving a file to an FTP/SFTP server (disjoint use cases which went through the same shared code) in some situations.

  • Fixed crash which would occur after opening and closing a markup tools palette, and then using a menu command key or performing certain other operations. (Note that using Script Debugger's dictionary explorer was a reliable way to trigger this.)

  • Fixed bug in which the "All file types" setting for multi-file search/replace/text factory was ignored, and "text files only" was always enforced.

  • The "Text files only" test used by multi-file search/replace and text factory application will now examine the beginning of a file if necessary; if it looks like text, the file will be treated as text in situations where the filename extension, HFS metadata, or UTI are insufficient to identify the file as text.

  • Fixed crash when trying to use "Run in Debugger" for Python scripts.

  • Fixed bug in which existing source control configurations were not loaded as they should have been.

  • Fixed crash which would occur when trying to rename a newly created Grep pattern in the Setup window.

  • Fixed bug in which "Capitalize Words" and "Capitalize Sentences" didn't work correctly in Text Factory application.

  • Fixed bug in which preview windows would take up the entire screen, unless you previously did a "Set Default Preview Window" or had a saved position. Now, preview windows without a default or saved position will open at a reasonable width, and if space allows, will open up to the left or right of the document's window instead of on top of it.

  • Fixed a bug in which using "Preview in BBEdit" on a file in a Zip archive would open a tiny preview window, and fail to remember the preview window's position and size.

  • Fixed bug in which the page header was printed in the incorrect font size.

  • Fixed bug in which the "Format" button on the CSS palette invoked the Text dialog instead.

  • Fixed missing defaults for FixedWidthFontSmoothingThreshold and FontSmoothingThreshold expert preferences.

  • Removed the vestigial setting for the Document Info toolbar button in the Appearance preferences.

  • Removed undesired zoom control from the Open File by Name dialog.

  • Fixed a bug which prevented the authentication helper from being updated when necessary.

  • Changed the factory default for EnsureTrailingLineBreak to NO (consistent with previous versions and resolves confusion when making clippings).

  • If the system thinks that a file is an image, even when it isn't, BBEdit would decline to display it in results windows. Now, if a file tests out as text, it's displayed, even if it would pass the system's sniff test as an image (or movie).

  • Restored the ability to switch off distinct coloring of attribute names and values. The legacy preference is migrated; if necessary you may set it manually:

    defaults write com.barebones.bbedit UseDistinctColorsForHTMLAttributesAndValues -bool YES

  • Added a mapping for legacy TEXT HFS file types so that they have the correct icon.

  • Fixed cause of a hang when editing TeX documents.

  • Packages now expect the Info.plist and Resources items to be within Contents.

  • Fixed bug in which changes to the default line break setting (in the Text Files preferences) had no effect.

  • Updated the application plist to use net.daringfireball.markdown, the new official UTI for markdown documents.

  • Fixed bug in which "Save Default Window" for editing windows didn't correctly remember whether the file list was visible or not, and didn't correctly adjust if it wasn't.

  • Fixed bug in which non-project document windows would creep in width each time the application was quit and relaunched with such windows open.

  • Fixed bug in which CSS formatting preferences (and other CSS-related settings) were migrated correctly from pre-10 versions, but not correctly applied.

  • Quieted a Core Foundation warning when loading existing Perforce SCM configurations on Lion.

  • BBEdit will now look for completion data ctags files in packages; use Completion Data/-language name here-/ as the container directory.

  • Fixed problem where cancelling an authenticated operation would cause the authenticated helper process to consume 100-200% CPU.

  • Fixed bug in which commands which invoked the markup panel were nonfunctional in the Mac App Store build.

  • Fixed some anachronisms and errors in the user manual.

  • Updated obsolete references in the Expert Preferences help, and added additional expert preferences to the list.
