UNIX & Admin Features

BBEdit Feature Tour

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BBEdit’s System Administration and Unix Features

BBEdit offers the System Administrator and UNIX user powerful tools as well:

  • Authenticated saves
  • Access and manipulate locked and hidden unix files for system administration both locally and on remote volumes, even files that are only writeable by administrative users.
  • Shell Worksheets provide a unique command-line experience, complete with sudo support. Use BBEdit’s powerful editing to manipulate and execute Unix command lines, and then use the same editing capabilities to manipulate the output
  • Transparently search, open, and save gzip (.gz) and bzip2 (.bz2) compressed text files
  • bbedit command-line tool: invoke BBEdit from anywhere in the Unix command line to open files or sftp/ftp URLs
  • Invoke Find Differences from the command line with bbdiff
  • Use the command line for multi-file searching with bbfind
  • Pipe command-line tool diagnostic output into bbresults for a GUI errors/warnings/notes results browser
  • Emacs keybinding support (for basic navigation and commands)

Download BBEdit and try it out.

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