Yojimbo for iPad 1.0.1 Release Notes

This page documents all feature enhancements and bug fixes included in the Yojimbo for iPad 1.0.1 update.

For details about the features and changes included in any other version of Yojimbo for iPad, please see the release notes archive.


  • built and tested against iOS 4.2.

  • Added some eye candy when transitioning between items.

  • Added a progress spinner while loading views that take too long.

Changes and Fixes

  • Reduced display flicker at the end of a sync session.

  • Eliminated redraw of collections contents at the end of a sync session.

  • Avoid unnecessary reloads of the displayed item at the end of a sync session.

  • Ensure that the displayed item is selected in the content list (if it is contained in the list).

  • When setting the Master list selection, scroll it into view if it's not already; otherwise leave it in place.

  • If any hidden Smart Collections are un-hidden on the desktop, they will un-hide on the iPad at the next sync.

  • Fixed a bug which caused "Sync all data at next launch" to sometimes mysteriously fail.

  • Fixed a bug where items that had multiple tags might show up in compound Tag Collections multiple times.

  • Decrypted images have the HTML template page applied before display.

  • Adjusted the test style for the UILabel in the detail view and the collections list.

  • You no longer need to recycle the application for changed sort ordering to be applied.

  • Tag collections observe sort ordering (and also get the above fix).

  • Allow the flagged state of an item to be changed during sync.

  • Corrected bug where flagged items were not properly tracked, so the collection count and collection contents would lag reality until one of several unrelated conditions occurred.

  • Corrected default images with correct sync icon and more-correct UILabel fonts.

  • Fixed a problem where the password placeholder would resize incorrectly on device rotation.

  • Corrected the layout of the comments view for password items.

  • Corrected the layout of the comments view for serial number items.

  • If the currently displayed item is modified during a sync, the display is adjusted accordingly.

  • Corrected crashes sorting collections if an exception is thrown out of the sorter.

  • Implemented sort by tag.

  • Label information syncs correctly, and consequently, you can now sort collection lists by Label.

  • Updated the sync progress UI, so it looks good under iOS 3.2 as well as 4.2.

  • Corrected bug which made it difficult to reveal the sync progress window.

  • Changed the sync scheduling logic out. Sync should be initiated:

    • immediately after app launch
    • immediately upon app resume
    • if the user taps the sync button
    • roughly every 5 minutes while the app is running
  • Improved the appearance of the Collections counts bubble.

  • Yojimbo for iPad ensures that the Mac and iPad are speaking the same version of the sync protocol, and advises you if one or the other needs to be updated.

  • Fixed several layout glitches.

  • Corrected problem displaying decrypted blob items immediately after a non-form item.

  • Fixed opaque rectangle when transitioning to/from encrypted placeholder.

  • Fixed opaque rectangle when transitioning to/from form records.

  • Fixed broken alpha on encrypted placeholder button

  • Fixed bug where time & date display ignored the user's 12/24 hour preference.

  • The Inspector now displays Label information.
