Yojimbo 1.5.1 Release Notes

This page documents all feature additions, modifications and bug fixes included in the Yojimbo 1.5.1 update.

For information on changes made in previous versions of Yojimbo, please see the release notes archive.

You can access Yojimbo’s online help by choosing “Yojimbo Help” from the Help menu.

Additions & Changes

(None in this release)


  • Fixed a bug where column widths weren’t correctly restored when running on Leopard.
  • Worked around a PDFKit bug which caused the PDF display in Yojimbo’s main window to get “stuck” on PowerPC machines running Leopard.
  • Worked around a bug in PDFView which caused the following mis-behaviors on Leopard:
  • After selecting a PDF item, selecting any other item would clear the undo stack
  • After selecting an encrypted PDF archive, selecting any other item would result in the display remaining “stuck” on the PDF archive. (N.B. This issues resulted from a different cause than the “stuck” PDF problem which occurred on PPC Leopard machines.)
  • Fixed a issue which could cause the Quick Start Movie to come up blank when played within the application.
  • Fixed a problem which could intefere with migration to Yojimbo 1.5 from Yojimbo 1.2 and earlier.
  • Fixed a problem where PDFs were imported as notes instead of their native type if a PDF → RTF filter service was installed.
  • Adobe Illustrator files are no longer included as a readable image type. (The system service we use – ImageIO – advertises them as a readable image type, but in fact it can only generate thumbnails from Illustrator documents.)